Table 3:

Supporting quotes by theme

ThemeSupporting quotes
Newness of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and supporting evidence“It’s so new, it’s a little scary and … a little guinea pig-ish.” — P06
“My main motivation for not doing it right now is, I just feel the comfort in the vaccine being around a longer time, like it being studied on more people and looking at the effects of it for a longer time, because it’s so new.” — P13
“A primary decision not to get vaccinated as of yet is because there is not enough information out there for anybody. It’s not just that I don’t get it, the doctors don’t have it, because there was not enough time to study those vaccines and the adverse reactions from the vaccines.” — P15
Politicization of SARS-CoV-2 guidance“I feel more than ever that, unfortunately, our mainstream media doesn’t always have it right, which is frustrating. I feel like you used to be able to trust the news and now not so much.” — P07
“[I trust] my doctor … [But] not the government. Not the news … not the people that are making billions off of these vaccines, that’s for sure.” — P10
“We ultimately have trust in the recommendations. And I think that the government or the governing bodies are always making the best choices for us, or … getting the information to us in the right way.” — P11
Social pressure surrounding SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations“Right now, it seems like you are either pro-vaccine or anti-vax. And if you haven’t gotten a [SARS-CoV-2] vaccine, even if you’re not anti-vax, but you just don’t want that one, you’re still lumped into the [anti-vax] category.” — P07
“[My friends and I] just chose to … not talk about [SARS-CoV-2 vaccines] because that would have gone the wrong way and we wouldn’t be friends anymore.” — P04
“The second you say anything negative about the vaccine, [or have] questions about COVID, you’re instantly, your social media is shut down. You can’t question anything. Who would want to put something like that in their body, when people can’t even vocalize their experiences, to be comfortable to even consider it?” — P10
The weighing of individual v. collective benefit“I guess with the 5- to 11-year-olds, it’s a little more of doing it altruistically for society, versus, the single benefit to kids getting the vaccine just for themselves … getting back [to] normalcy and protecting our society as a whole.” — P06
“The decision to not get vaccinated and to not vaccinate a family member is not an easy decision to make… But I think in the end, if it’s the right decision for us, [then] I think that’s how society has to look at this. We can’t look at it as a group decision. We have to look at it as an individual family decision.” — P08
“Who will be responsible 5 years from now? Nobody. It’s only me and my decision, that I have to pay for, my own body and my children’s body in the end.” — P15
“As an adult, I made a decision to be vaccinated right away because I felt that was my social responsibility, but I don’t know children have that same responsibility.” — P20